Family Crest Activity

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I was working with an on-line client recently around an experience their family has been through, which they are working with me, to process and move on from. I spoke to them about this activity, how wonderful it is, because it can be used for literally anything!

The intention of the activity is to develop an awareness of your child's reality (the way they see the world) and to expand on that with them; developing their awareness, communication skills and ability to express themselves emotionally and linguistically.

I've just added this to my Facebook Group for parents and carers, and I've just sent it to all the parents and carers on my mailing list; why don't you come and join us in these groups or sign up to my mailing list (I do not share any information with other businesses) and make sure you don't miss out on things like this in the future...

For now though, just click this link to download your Family Crest Activity Sheet. If you'd like to get in touch to ask questions, or let me know how it worked for you- please do!!


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