How to use your out-breath to regulate your nervous system.

Your out-breath is linked to your parasympathetic nervous system, which is linked to your nervous system being regulated.

Remember, your body is designed for survival, there are lots of inbuilt ways to create the feeling of safety in your system, they are not hacks - it’s how you’re made, and your out-breath is one of those ways.

As I talk you through the steps, please remember that accessing regulation this way, is always best when practiced whilst feeling regulated i.e. when you’re feeling safe, calm or neutral. Allowing yourself the time and space to practice breathwork like this one, allows the neural circuitry in your system the chance to become established. Just like any other muscle, it works better when it’s had the training. Once the muscle, or in this instance your brain and nervous system , have had the training, it becomes naturally more accessible to you, in the times you really NEED to regulate yourself using your breath.

How to use your out-breath to regulate:

  1. Take a normal breath in (what ever feels normal to you in that moment)

  2. Purse your lips to create some resistance to your out-breath, and breathe out long and slow (you may find that you can breathe out longer and slower with some practice. In the first instance, do it for as long as it feels comfortable - if it’s longer than the in breath, that’s great!)

  3. Repeat the above.

If you want to take it up a notch, vibration is also linked to the parasympathetic nervous system, so if you breath out with a sound, like a hum - this is also very calming.

Because this breath doesn’t involve any holding of your breath, you can do it as many times as you like. Here are some of the times I practice this breath:

  • Waiting for the kettle to boil

  • Whilst driving (especially if I’m running late and held up in traffic)

  • When on hold, to the GP practice for example

Always listen to your system (brain/body), don’t push it. Allow your system to grown at it’s own pace - we all have trauma in our body and you will find that listening and following the communication from your body will work in your favour.

Don’t forget, you can also sign up to my irregulate and only valuable info email list, to get more information like this.


Using a visualisation to regulate your nervous system.


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